Student Blog Posts – Spring ’18
admin | April 23, 2018
Week 2: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Babette Pepaj & Kimberly Tronic by Jenny Erixon
By UCLA X469.21 Student Jenny Erixon For the second week of class we had the honor of hearing...
admin | April 23, 2018
Week 2: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Babette Pepaj by Naside Calli
By UCLA X469.21 Student Naside Calli Last week our class welcomed guest speaker Babette Pepaj, a former multimedia...
admin | April 16, 2018
Week 1: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Clint Schaff by Marke Liimatainen
Video by UCLA X469.21 Student Marke Liimatainen
admin | April 16, 2018Week 1: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Clint Schaff by Saba Faghihi
By UCLA X469.21 Student Saba Faghihi The first class of UCLA Extension’s Best Practices in Social Media for the...
admin | April 16, 2018Week 1: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Clint Schaff by Charles Durand
Video by UCLA X469.21 Student Charles Durand
admin | April 16, 2018Week 1: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Clint Schaff by Kari Perez
By UCLA X469.21 Student Kari Perez “Positive Unintended Consequences” Clint Schaff from the Los Angeles Times came to...
Fall 2021
X 469.21/MGMNT
Units: 2.00
Class Info
- September 21 – October 19
- Recorded Video Presentation (via Canvas) Each Week
- Live Meeting (via Zoom) Tuesdays: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Erik Deutsch
t: (323) 851-2455
Office Hrs: Available by phone, online and appointment