WEEK 1: A Conversation with Guest Speaker Clint Schaff by Mathilde Paquin

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By UCLA X469.21 Student Mathilde Paquin

clint schaffOn Monday, April 24 our Social Media Class welcomed guest speaker Clint Schaff – VP of Strategy & Development at the Los Angeles Times.

Clint has an impressive background and career path. Born and raised in North Dakota, he graduated USC and now serves as an adjunct professor at the university’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. He worked in the Clinton White House and helped launch early internet initiatives for David Bowie and the New York Yankees. He also held senior positions with several of the world’s largest PR and digital marketing agencies. Last year, the LA Times brought him on board to develop creative new ideas and strategies.

And that makes sense, as Clint demonstrated to our class that he has a very creative mind. He loves communicating and being social, with a focus on conversations that build relationships and new opportunities.

Social media is very useful, but as Clint said ‘’everybody has to bring something to the party.‘’ He explained that anyone, including brands, can’t expect to be recognized in the community if they don’t participate. It’s important to encourage discussion by sharing others’ content, posting comments, etc. His discussion regarding the Social Media Playbook was particularly interesting. He explained that it’s a written document used to set up a company for social media success. ‘’What are you trying to accomplish?‘’ is the first question you have to

Clint’s discussion regarding the Social Media Playbook was particularly interesting. He explained that it’s a written document used to set up a company for social media success. ‘’What are you trying to accomplish?‘’ is the first question you have to answer because it relates directly to your social media goals and the audiences you want to reach. It then has to address primordial elements of the marketing effort, such as brand identity, content themes (e.g., to inform, to empower, to motivate, etc.) and content samples. It should also cover best practices for various social media channels, such as the optimal frequency and best time for posting content. With playbook in hand, the company simply has to follow the instructions to manage an efficient social media marketing campaign.

Thank you Clint for the very dynamic and enthusiastic discussion, and for sharing so much valuable experience!!

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